Sending love to kids with cancer, one warm hug at a time.

Cancer is cold, warm hugs help fix that.

Erin Cox, a plucky kid with a huge heart started Warm Hugs From Erin after undergoing chemotherapy to treat her osteosarcoma. While she never let her diagnosis get her down, she did feel the chill that cancer patients oftentimes experience as a result of their chemo treatments. She found warmth in a re-heatable plush dragon, and now she wants other pediatric cancer patients across the US to feel that warmth too.


How it works….

We are no nonsense when it comes to hugs. Every single cent donated through this page goes toward the purchase and distribution of a Warmie to a child with cancer. When the donations come in, we buy Warmies, and send them directly to hospitals with pediatric cancer patients. Social Workers attach messages from Erin to individual Warmies, and then make them available to pediatric cancer patients undergoing treatment. Once the Warmie is delivered, it’s heated in the microwave and then, YAY, warm hug from Erin.

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Warmies Plush Toys

Cancer is cold. Warm hugs from Warmies can help.


“My Warmie dragon is there for me when I feel the worst. He is so warm and I can put him anywhere on me that feels yucky or painy and he makes me feel better. He makes me feel comfort and love by giving me a warm hug when I need it the most.”

-Erin Cox


Feel free to contact us with any questions. Hopefully it’s about Warm Hugs, but if you have questions about life, we’d be happy to take a crack at those too.


(217) 260-3932